Bruja Born: An Interview with Zoraida Córdova

Happy Friday, everyone! I hope you all have had a great week! I, for sure, did! I had the wonderful pleasure of joining a Google Hangouts Chat with Zoraida yesterday and it was so much fun to be able to hang with her and ask her questions about her writing. And I also had the great opportunity of interviewing Zoraida!

If any of you follow my social media (mainly Twitter), you probably know by now that I love Zoraida’s work. I cannot wait to read Bruja Born and gush about the book to all of you! I already know it’s going to be fantastic!

Below is some information about Bruja Born and the author, Zoraida Córdova, and then the interview!

About Bruja Born

33918887Three sisters. One spell. Countless dead.

Lula Mortiz feels like an outsider. Her sister’s newfound Encantrix powers have wounded her in ways that Lula’s bruja healing powers can’t fix, and she longs for the comfort her family once brought her. Thank the Deos for Maks, her sweet, steady boyfriend who sees the beauty within her and brings light to her life.

Then a bus crash turns Lula’s world upside down. Her classmates are all dead, including Maks. But Lula was born to heal, to fix. She can bring Maks back, even if it means seeking help from her sisters and defying Death herself. But magic that defies the laws of the deos is dangerous. Unpredictable. And when the dust settles, Maks isn’t the only one who’s been brought back…

Meet the Author

ZoraidaZoraida Córdova is the author of urban fantasies The Vicious Deep trilogy and the Brooklyn Brujas series. Her short fiction has appeared in the New York Times bestselling anthology, Star Wars: From a Certain Point of View. Zoraida’s most recent release, Labyrinth Lost, won an International Latino Book award, was named a Best Book of 2016 by Paste Magazine and has been optioned by Paramount Studios. Zoraida is also the author of the upcoming Hollow Crown, to be published by Disney Hyperion in 2019.

An Interview with Zoraida Córdova

1. What inspired you to write Lula’s story?

When I wrote Labyrinth Lost I knew that the Mortiz sisters weren’t done telling their stories. In book one, Lula went through an Ordeal™. What came next? I didn’t want to mess up Alex’s ending, so the point of view had to change. This was Lula’s story to tell.

2. How difficult was it to write Lula’s story compared to Alex’s story in Labyrinth Lost?

Lula’s story was definitely more difficult. Her thoughts are darker and she has a tough choice. The boy she loves or doing the right thing? If faced with the same choice as Lula, what would any of us decide?

3. If you could have one magical power, what would it be?

I would absolutely want to be able to teleport. It would make my travel so much easier!

4. What was your favorite part of writing Bruja Born?

It was the scenes when the brujas, the hunters of New York, and the supernatural alliance comes together. I got to give a guest spot to some characters from my first series, The Vicious Deep. 

5. What advice would you give to aspiring authors?

Read widely. That’s the best way to work on your craft. You learn your voice with every draft you write.

Thank you so much, Zoraida, for the interview!

Don’t forget to check out Labyrinth Lost and to pre-order Bruja Born! And keep your receipt! 🙂

Have a wonderful weekend, fellow book lovers!
