Stacy’s Favorite Books of 2021!

Well, we made it! Congratulations!! ♥ We looked 2021 in the eye, got a little scared, and told it to buzz off. Let’s hope that 2022 isn’t the reignited dumpster fire but it seems as if it already is! *queue the waterworks*

It’s that time of year again where I give you my absolute favorite top ten books of 2021. Hopefully, there are some new books on here that you’ll love just as much as I did.

What were your favorites of 2021?

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2 responses to “Stacy’s Favorite Books of 2021!”

  1. I feel like 2022 needs to be the year that I finally read If We Were Villains!

    Liked by 1 person

    1. It was one that I was hesitant about but I really loved it. I think you should go for it!!


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